Monday, September 10, 2007

Dejavu..... freaky!!!!!!!

Katherine and I just got home from a picnic that her school had and at this picnic i spilt some chicken greese on my shirt, so we get home i take off my shirt and she hands me the Tide-to-go (thank you eppie, we live by that stuff now.) Anyway, she was cold(go figure) so she truned on the heater while i was cleaning my shirt she said "Dejavu, you are going to tell me to turn off the heater in a second because it smells, no i will tell my self that because you wont be able to smell it. it will start smelling in a few seconds".................. a few seconds............... BAM it started smelling and i could not smell it until i got way close to the vent.... that was WEIRD!!!!!

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