Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yes she does have eyes!

Contrary to the impression recieved by some who have followed our blog our baby is awake sometimes. She is just alot funnier when she is asleep...

Well here are some picture of her awake!

I think the dog likes the baby. (she did this all by herself)

This next one is just her smiling

These are of when we were playing with her she made faces. It's so cute!

This is her yawning

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sleepy baby

What a cute trio! A girl on each arm!

She likes to sleep with her arms in the air.

Candy and the baby sleeping together. How sweet!

I put her next to me to sleep so I could eat breakfast and she leaned her head against my arm while she was sleeping, or she just fell over, not sure which.

I asked David to wake her up because it was getting late and it was time for her to eat before we went to bed. As he was trying to wake her up, this is what she looked like.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Norah at home

Norah is sleeping on the blanket Eppie made for her. It is so pretty.

We had a long night and she just wanted to be by me and not in her bed because she kept waking up.

She's wearing preemie clothes in this picture.

She loves to sleep on her daddy's lap and he loves it too.

Doesn't she look like a doll?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More of my wonderful family!

This is just a photo section of my family. It feels really good to be able to say that I am a daddy and to think while I am at school I have a daughter to come home to. It is great!!!

One things I love is that Norah and I love to take naps together!

This next one is of her in her going home dress... because she was early and soooooo small nothing really fits her right! BUT SHE IS STILL CUTE...... The second one is just as we were leaving the hospital.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Real Introduction OF Norah Heidi Hurst

Well everyone, Saturday afternoon with Katherine being 37.75 weeks pregnant, Kather and I were just doing our usualy saturday lounge around when Katherine started having contractions every couple of minutes. So, I got out the timer and started timing around 2:30. We clocked them at a range from 45 seconds to 3 min apart. Around 3:30 I called the hospital to ask when they wanted us to come in for a check up and the lady said just to wait about a hour and if they continue then come in. Well, the contractions continued consistantly about 2 min apart. So at 5:30 we got in the car and left for the hospital fully expecting them to tell us to just go home and not to worry about it yet.

They checked her and she was fully forward and dialated to 1 cm. They said they would monoter her for and hour and check again to see if she is progressing. Well, she was a 2 cm one hour later, so they decided to keep her longer, within 3-4 hours of going in she was at 4 cm and the contractions continued to be every minute or so.

This is her just after the epidural 20 hours into labor

However even with contractions that frequent she stayed at a 4-5 for about 18 hours, then her water started to leak around 9 AM and the doctor came in to finish the job by breaking it completely. Then after being completely drained of all energy she got an epidural so she could sleep.

The labor continued until 2:00 PM when she had reached 10 cm and began to push.
So from 2:30 PM Saturday to 2:30 PM sunday, a grand total of 25 hours of Labor ( yes I know how to tell time it was Daylight Savings) our beautiful baby Norah was born at 2:30 November 2, 2008. Weighing 5 lbs 14 oz, being 19 in long. HERE SHE IS:

This is her just after delivery.

This next two are of her first bath.

THis is her just after her bath. She is sooo cute!!!