Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hi. I thought I'd just write something on here. David and I are doing well. I love where we live. It is only 5 minutes away from where I work. It's so nice. I have always commuted at least 30 minutes to work ever since I started teaching.
I am getting anxious about the baby coming. Sometimes I get impatient and excited and sometimes it seems a little overwhelming. I kinda go back and forth. I like to go into the baby's room and just look around and imagine and I feel like I miss her even though I haven't seen her yet.
My mom has bought her plane ticket so she can be up here when I have the baby. She's going to be able to be here for 2 weeks. I'm so excited.
My little girl sure is strong, judging from her kicks. It makes me happy to know she's a strong baby. Hopefully that means she'll be very healthy when she arrives. I have another ultrasound on Wednesday to check on the progress of her kidneys. Hopefully, the 2nd one has shrunk as well. It'll be nice to see her again, moving around. I gotta stop writing now, I'm getting emotional. Crazy hormones.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm surrounded by CUTENESS

I just wanted to place a few pictures of the really cute things in my life and show everyone that we got our baby's room all set up. Here are some pictures:

First my very cute wife, this was taken while on our trip that is me she is laying on.

This next one is of our cute dog, ignore the not so cute person in the picture... (sorry nick you know it is true
This last one is of our new cute baby room that we just set up. The crib was given to us from Katherine's cousin and aunt... It came with no instruction booklet so it took me about 30 min just to figure out how to put it together and then another hour to put it together using my feet to hold up the opposite end and my car keys as a screw driver! ( I felt like a monkey holding the crib upright with my feet)