Friday, August 7, 2009

Jones Family Vacation

The first part of our vacation was in Galveston with my family. Norah learned how to crawl up the stairs and when she got to the top, she bumped into a laundry basket and it fell on her!

Aunt Sara took her up to the hallway and let her look down at us.

Aunt Sara likes to take my camera and leave little pictures of herself for me.

Uncle Peter and Norah right before church.

We all went to Sea World and we got to feed the dolphins.

Here we are waiting for the sea lion show. We waited and waited. The weather wasn't very good so they kept postponing it. Everyone was getting bored and the whole crowd started the wave. Finally, they had to cancel it because of the lightning.

At our apartment, we played mafia. It was really fun.

Uncle Nicholas showed Norah a trick on the bean bag that she really liked.
Coming soon...Norah's first time at the beach!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Growing girl

Sorry no blogs for awhile. We've been visiting family. I have some catching up to do before I post the vacation. Now that Norah is standing, there are things she can get into that she couldn't before. Those second shelf movies used to be safe.

Sitting on her throne of movies

But once she's taken them off the shelf, she's done with them and will leave them there for days without touching them again, until I put them back on the shelf. I used to put them back on the shelf right away, but soon learned that it was her signal to take them off again. So, I stopped trying and just leave them there until they really get in the way.

Norah likes to talk...

After having been here a few weeks, we finally got some batteries and put her music maker back in her crib. It seemed like she missed it. She was so happy to see it back in her crib. (When you see her put her forehead to the toy, that is something she and I do when we are cuddling and I think it's sweet that she does it to her toy.)