Friday, November 18, 2011


October was a BUSY month.  Usually the holiday months are busy, but ours came a month early.  We had something big going on every weekend!  Take a look:

My first paying cupcake job on the first weekend

Jessica's wedding and the cake I made on the second weekend

The third weekend, I taught a cupcake making class for the Relief Society

The fourth weekend, I delivered and set up this wedding cake to League City, at least I didn't have to make it!

That same weekend, the second reception for Jessica and thank goodness there was lots of cake left from the first one and it froze and transported to Galveston well.  (Yes, we had two wedding cakes in our car on the drive to Galveston.)

   My dad came to visit during the month for a job interview and we visited some of the San Antonio missions.  By the way, he got the job and will now be living with us until the rest of my family joins him after the school year is over. We are so excited that my dad got the job!

The fifth weekend, we celebrated Norah's birthday and had our ward Trunk or Treat.  Norah wanted a Rainbow Brite themed birthday so that's what she was for Halloween too.

Finally, October was over. Alot of baking, alot of family, alot of fun