Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hello people!

Hello everyone! I don't have any pictures to put up because David has my camera in Nicaragua. He told me on the first day he had already taken 20 or 30 pictures! So I'm sure he will have lots of pictures to post when he comes back.
I was a little worried for awhile that I wouldn't have anyone to be with on Thanksgiving, but last Saturday, I got in contact with Ashley Reeder and so she and her brother will be coming over for Thanksgiving!! It should be lots of fun!
Next month, at my school I will be in charge of a Medieval Fair that the 4th graders do every year. The kids dress up and pretend that they are people from the Middle Ages that we are studying about in Social Studies. Other students come in a learn from my students what it was like living in those times. I am also "in charge" of the school Christmas program. I sort of got roped into it. Our principal was telling everyone at a faculty meeting about the Christmas program she wanted to have and that I was going to be in charge of it. (She hadn't told me before) I looked up and said, "I'm going to what?" Everyone started laughing. Our principal is funny like that. She told me I didn't have to but I said I would. At least I don't have to teach the whole school the songs like I would when I was the music teacher. (At least I hope it doesn't come to that!)

1 comment:

Eppie said...

Sounds fun. You will be good at the program. Glad you won't be alone for Thanksgiving. I was worried about that. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY! on Saturday. We love you.