Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taking Bets.....

OK Everyone that read's this. We are going to find out what we are having on July 2nd, So I am curious to know what everyone thinks we are going to have. So reply to this post, make a prediction and write some reason why you think so (the funny'er (sp?) the better).

That is all for now, You have a month to make a prediction and think of some good reason why you think so.

Here is mine... I think we are having a girl. The reason is that every female Hurst (even in the extended family) has had boys as their first child, Every male Hurst (except for Uncle Cory... he's just weird) has had a Girl for their frist child. Therefore I am going to have a girl.

Ok I'll wait for your replies...

Have fun!


Nursemom said...

I think you're having a girl. I don't really have a reason why, just a gut feeling. I was pretty sure Jonny and Cassie were having a boy though so I don't know how reliable my predictions are.

Eppie said...

I vote girl, but only because we need more girls to balance the boy grandchildren. I am not really sure, but I will vote girl.

Jonnycool said...

I think you're having a beagle. Then Candy won't have to worry about sharing the spotlight.
I kid, I kid.
Speaking of kid, i think you're having one! I win the vote!!!

P.S. Boy- Uncle Cory was youngest child and had a boy, David youngest child and has boy. Logic my friends, I'm full of it.

Mrs. C. Yeates said...

I agree with Jonny. If you had a beagle ya'll would be famous! Look out Dave Letterman, here come the Hursts!

Seriously though, I have no idea. I never knew with my own boys, I never knew with anyone else. So my guess is twins- a boy and a girl!

And FYI- when adding an -er ending to a word that ends with "y", you drop the "y" and add an "i". So funny would be "funnier." Just the reading teacher side of my coming out.

Mother Goose said...

Boy...Just a hunch.