Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Driving to Adam and Kendra's wedding

For Christmas break, we drove to Arizona for Adam and Kendra's wedding.  We drove for 2 days, were there for a day and a half, and drove back for two days.  I'm so glad everyone was able to be there for the wedding.  It was kinda hard for me because I was so sick with my pregnancy.  But thank goodness my sisters, Rachel and Sara, were there to help me with Norah.  They were wonderful!

We stopped in Carlsbad one night and since we got there pretty early in the day, we decided to go to Carlsbad Caverns.

Norah was scared at first.  She thought there would be a bear in the cave.
 We got separated as we walked though the cave.  It's enormous! But at one point, we could've sworn that we heard our dad's sneeze.  It's pretty unique.  So Nicholas yelled, across the darkness of the cave, "Bless you, Dad!" Turns out it was him, and he was embarrassed because apparently you're supposed to be quiet in the cave.  Oops! 

We drove though the Guadalupe Mountains

Norah got to throw snowballs in the mountains.

We had an all-out "snowball" fight. It was hilarious!

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