Friday, May 29, 2009

Moving Time

In 3 days we will be moving to San Antonio, Texas. Yea! We've been packing and cleaning all week. I can hardly get around anymore. I was going to post some video of Norah scooting but the cord that hooks the camera to the computer got packed so, it'll have to wait until we get into our new place and get everything set up. She also knows her name now and is eating lots of different foods. She get excited when she sees her bottle. She also sits very well now. It looks like she might be getting a couple of teeth in the front on the bottom first. They've still got a ways to go, but they already bother her. She loves the teething ring. Well, I better go get Norah some food, she's eating my arm!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eating Time

I was feeding Norah one day and I had to step out of the kitchen for a minute. I heard some clanging noises and came back to find this:

She really wanted her food! I had to step out again for a minute so I moved her food farther away, but when I came back I saw this:

It looks like she wants to get my cake! She's really good a grabbing things.
Here's Norah in the dress Eppie gave her.

She's gotten really good at sitting up. She does it all the time now.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Misc. Norah

I didn't have anything to grade this weekend, so I had time to put up a few pictures. These are just some miscellaneous pictures of Norah over the past few weeks.

Norah in her Easter dress.

At the Idaho Falls

She woke up before I did.

Norah likes her new bouncy chair. ( She's staring at the mirror.)

And she liked Carter's too!

Norah in her swing. (It was a little cold that day.)
Seeing pictures like this make you wonder what's she's thinking....
"So...who are you?"
"No, really, who are you?"
"You better tell me who you are right now!"