Thursday, March 5, 2009

My 4 month old.

Well Norah is 4 months old now. She is in the 25th percentile in weight, but what did you expcet she was born at 5 lbs... she now weighs 12 lbs 6 oz. and is 23 inches long.

Soon i will have pictures of her trying to eat rice cereal. The doctor told us to start her on it.
Here is just some cute pictures and a video of her.

this is her just after her bath... she is sooo cute!!!

Her with her cousins in Salt Lake City. Those kids Loved her.
"look dad I can almost turn over, aren't I cute"

and here is just a cute video of her alseep.


Devin and Andrea said...

she is so cute. Did she like her bath that time? Did you make the water warmer? Oh man... don't they grow so fast???

Nursemom said...

Don't feel bad, Landan was 5 lbs at birth and he weighed 12 lbs at 6 mo. She looks so cute in her little towel. She's still so dainty.

Mother Goose said...

Love that round little face!