It was a cold, dark night in southeastern Idaho, in a little town called Idaho Falls. Everything was quite... a little too quite in the home of David and Katherine Hurst. Around 3:00 AM David awoke, for thirst was ripping at his throat.
Blindly he made his way to the kitchen, retrieved a cup from the cupboard, and filled it with cool delicious water. Thrice he emptied his cup, turned and switched off the light and.................................................. there stood a man in the front room. David screamed and screamed but no one could hear him........................... no just kidding!!!!
Now where was I... oh yeah.... Thrice he emptied his cup, turned and switched off the light; however, not all was normal. As he made his way blindly back to his room he pushed open the door and THUD!!!!!!!!!! He collapsed to the ground and felt his face... blood was pouring from his nose. His wife turned on the light in horror to see what could have caused such a great noise. As she looked what should she discover, but her husband crouched on the floor holding his nose with blood all over the place, but no one else was in sight. After tending to his wounds Katherine and David decided to investigate the cause of the blood...
Katherine did not agree with David when he came to the conclusion that someone had moved the door frame 10 inches to the left just as David was passing through it, causing him to walk right into the wall and damage his nose.
But I TELL YOU that is EXACTLY what happened and to this day no one in the house know who did it!!!!
It could have been anyone… maybe even you DUN DUN DUUUUN!!! (put music with those "dun"s)