I finally found the camera cord and was able to download all of our pictures! Where do I start? First of all, we made it to San Antonio ok, although it was an adventure. It took alot longer now that we have Norah. Once we got here, the apartment wasn't ready. The carpet hadn't been changed (and it needed it). I'll just say that the people who lived her before had a dog, but were not clean people. It wasn't the apartment management's fault. The carpet company didn't come when they were supposed to.
After staying 3 days in the model home, we finally moved in, only to find out that we had neighbors above us even though we are on the top floor. There were raccoons in the attic and they made lots of noise at night. Now that has been cleaned up, and if you've seen my facebook, you'll understand, and things are alot more quiet, except for the fact that we live near the airport and the planes make their descent above our apartment complex. It's just one of those things that you don't realize when you rent an apartment online. We'll get used to the sound, I'm sure. Sometimes, though, I feel like I could wave to the passengers and they'd see me.
We live in a good neighborhood. Lots of nice houses, apartments, and businesses in the area and we're only 20 minutes away from the temple. We love our ward. They have been very nice to us and welcoming.
First off, I have some pictures of Norah in a new dress:
I think this one's funny because she looks confused.
Norah is starting to get into things:
First, it was her own drawer.
Then, it was the video drawer.
"Hey! What's in here?"
"I just want a peek!"
She's getting to be a big girl when it comes to eating.
"Look! I have a cracker!"

"This stuff is strange."
"I'll just put the whole thing in my mouth."
Sometimes, she holds her bottle.

"Bring me FOOD!"

The next post, I'll put up pictures of our trip. Thanks for looking!