Friday, December 18, 2009

Keep Going this is the 1st of 5 new posts! Read on!

We took Christmas Pictures and these are the cute ones that did not make the cut on the card. You will get the card.
This one just was too bright but still cute!
Way cute with Norah and the Dog but her face was not happy.

This one is blury because right as I took the picture both Norah and the dog turned away from eachother and hid their faces... it was PERFECT and completely hallrious. Just Blury because of movement.

This is the set up I did for our pictures. That is our fireplace here at our apartment.

This one is self explaintory.

again self explainitory

"Look mommy, what is that hot, yellow stuff"

This one is Katherine trying to get Norah to cooperate. It was hard as you can see on her face.

All in All it was a good night with fun pictures!

Setting up Christmas decorations.

After we got home from Thanksgiving, we set up our christmas tree. If you notice the bottom part of the tree has no ornaments. Norah was too interested in them that they we could not leave them there. but she loved helping.

Katherine's RUN

OK, for those that don't know Katherine turned thirty at the end of November. There is an old sci-fi movie called "Logans Run", long story short it is based in the future where there is population control where you are killed when you trun 30. Some poeple dont believe the propaganda that you are "RENEWED" and not killed. So they decided to run and not be killed. The persons age is determined by the color of the jewel that everyone has in their hand. Clear for those that are "RENEWED" aka... over thirty and have escaped and new born children, then the color changes with age until you are near thrity you are red and at thirty you blink red then you die.

So we had a "Logans run" party for Katherine. (dont worry she escaped) I made the cake design and everyone had the correct jewels based on age. It was fun... here are some pictures.

Haloween... WAY WAY LATE!

The is just some picture of our haloween!

The first two are our costumes. I was Elvis and Katherine and Norah were in poodle skirts (as you can see)

These are when Jessica, Kaden, Marissa, Kevin, Landen, Gavin and us all went to sea world.

This is our group that we went out on haloween night. The youger ones went trick or treating and Kate and I stayed with Zia Grace and handed out candy. (not our dog candy the edible version of candy)

Thanksgiving Vacation. a little late...

Well, Here is what we did this last Thanksgiving. We went to Galveston and Houston and spent time with our family on both sides. In short here are some pictures of the time there.

Norah liked the trampoline... it did not like her hair! (the last one is her opening Christmas presents from my parents!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Little Helper

Norah wanted to help me put the clothes away...

This is just a continuation of the first, but she laughs in this one and it's cute.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Norah's First Birthday!

At my first birthday, there were so many people there, on both sides of my family!
The Patane side...

and the Hurst side...

My daddy made me two special cakes.

I was all clean before I got my first chocolate cake.


Aunt Rachel and Cousin Mia watched with me as Mom and Dad opened my presents.

Thanks Aunt Marissa and Uncle Kevin for the cute outfit!

Thanks Zia Grace for the sleeper!

Thanks Uncle Jonny and Aunt Cassie for the great present! It's so much fun!
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful presents. I haven't got a chance to use them all yet, but I can't wait until I can!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I took some video yesterday of David's play. The stake did "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." David played the pharoah and one of the brothers. It was very funny! These two videos are his songs as the pharoah.

(I'm sorry if the video isn't too good. I just took it with my camera and I was also trying to take care of Norah at the same time.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cell phone abuser!

So she looks all sweet and innocent in this photo, but don't be fooled! She IS a teenager. She's running up our phone bill downloading ringtones! David has a new ringtone thanks to her. Next thing you know, some of you may be getting text messages from her! Watch out!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Norah's Birthday Invitation

I thought this would be the fastest way to let everyone know.
Here is your invitation to Norah's birthday:

Please RSVP
Thanks and hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Norah loves her Daddy

Whenever David's on the floor it's "Climb on Daddy Time!"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our baby's WALKING!!!!

Today, Norah decided to start walking. She has been very cautious and not had confidence in herself but today she was standing next to the sofa, holding on, when she heard some music come on. She started dancing and then let go of the sofa and kept dancing. When the song was over, she saw me lying on the floor and she just walked over.

We then decided to see if it was a fluke or not by having her walk between us... she did it a bunch of times, by the time we got the camera on her she was getting tired of the game but we still got a good video by bribing her with the cell phone.

Here it is....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My girls!

I am surrounded my the most Beautiful girls. They make me sooo happy and they just make my heart melt!
This is just a picture tribute to them!
My little girl is already acting like a teenager. AHHHHHHH!!!

There that is better, there is my little baby!

Here is my other cutie!

She is so cute here!
This last one was when I was sick and Norah just woke up. our hair was that same!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Jones Family Vacation

The first part of our vacation was in Galveston with my family. Norah learned how to crawl up the stairs and when she got to the top, she bumped into a laundry basket and it fell on her!

Aunt Sara took her up to the hallway and let her look down at us.

Aunt Sara likes to take my camera and leave little pictures of herself for me.

Uncle Peter and Norah right before church.

We all went to Sea World and we got to feed the dolphins.

Here we are waiting for the sea lion show. We waited and waited. The weather wasn't very good so they kept postponing it. Everyone was getting bored and the whole crowd started the wave. Finally, they had to cancel it because of the lightning.

At our apartment, we played mafia. It was really fun.

Uncle Nicholas showed Norah a trick on the bean bag that she really liked.
Coming soon...Norah's first time at the beach!